The SHERADUBLIER set – a “match made in heaven”

Dental technicians often have their own tricks and techniques for duplicating dies to produce fireproof dies. However, creative methods using repurposed tools such as old Kodak® film canisters, the well-known Lego® building blocks, etc. are now a thing of the past.

Two like pot and lid
With the new SHERADUPLICATION SET for fireproof stumps, every stump is now a trump card! The set includes a duplicating base with a diameter of 50mm and a muffle ring in size 3. The base offers flat space for up to six stumps. Printed in bright SHERAprint model desert Color tone, it facilitates visual control during positioning. The plaster or printed stumps can be easily attached vertically to the floor with wax.
In perfect flow
The SHERADUBLIER-SET can be used to create a concave silicone mold with a central depression for placing the investment material. When poured in, the die material flows from the center to the depressions in the die. This leaves a ventilation channel until the end - resulting in bubble-free, fireproof dies.
Without any pain of separation
Our SHERADUBLIER set is reusable and requires approx. 60g of silicone. No release agent is required for the foam rubber muffle ring – the duplicating silicone is simply poured in directly and can be easily removed later. So, for perfectly duplicated stumps, just put it in the SHERA online shop and order the SHERADULIER SET now.